An 8-year-old boy tragically died at the Arizona Biltmore after a statue fell on him during the Thanksgiving holiday. The family’s attorney, Dennis Wilenchik, stated that there is no excuse for the tragic incident and that the family is grieving deeply, especially considering the loss of the boy’s father in recent years. The attorney mentioned investigating the fatal incident and looking into the prior ownership’s involvement with the statues.
The boy died from blunt force trauma, according to the medical examiner. The police found no signs of foul play at the resort. The attorney emphasized the importance of ensuring children are safely protected at all times by businesses that have a responsibility to do so. The tragic event serves as a reminder of the need for proper safety measures. The hotel’s ownership recently changed, and the attorney plans to investigate who knew what and when as the family seeks answers and justice for the untimely death of the young boy.
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