BBC One’s Ludwig offers viewers an amusing comedy drama from Mark Brotherhood, featuring David Mitchell as reclusive puzzle-setter John “Ludwig” Taylor. When John impersonates his missing detective twin brother, he finds himself investigating a murder. Channel 4’s Phil Harrison continues to showcase the West Midlands ambulance service’s heroic efforts in the face of overwhelming demand. Meanwhile, U&Drama’s The Chelsea Detective delves into the darker side of London’s swanky districts, with detectives uncovering a murder mystery. BBC Two’s Parole provides an intense look at the process of reintegrating violent prisoners into society, while Channel 4’s Grand Designs features a challenging project of converting a coastguard’s station into a home in Yorkshire. U&W’s Searching for Satoshi explores the mystery of Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto, shedding light on cryptocurrency and its potential impact. And for sports fans, Sky Sports Main Event offers English League Cup football with Liverpool taking on West Ham in a third-round match at Anfield. Viewers can look forward to a diverse and engaging lineup of TV shows and sports events across different channels.
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