Ukraine has made the decision to ban the popular messaging app, Telegram, from being installed on state-issued devices for government officials, military personnel, and critical infrastructure workers. This move was deemed necessary for national security during the ongoing war with Russia. The National Cybersecurity Coordination Centre called for this ban, citing concerns that Russian intelligence services are using the app for cyberattacks, phishing, spreading malware, and other malicious activities.
Despite this ban, ordinary Ukrainians are still free to use Telegram on their personal devices. The app is widely used in Ukraine for communication, news updates, and as a primary platform for Ukrainian officials to engage with the public. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, in particular, uses Telegram for public communication and relaying important war developments.
Ukraine’s intelligence chief, Kyrylo Budanov, warned that Russian intelligence services have the ability to access personal messages of Telegram users, including deleted messages and personal data. He emphasized that the issue of Telegram is not about freedom of speech, but rather a matter of national security.
While the ban prohibits the use of Telegram on state-issued devices, those who use the app for their official duties will be exempt from the ban. This measure is part of Ukraine’s efforts to protect sensitive information and prevent potential cyber threats during the conflict with Russia.
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